Friday, January 17, 2014

Complete Ramblings

Whoever invented Pinterest is a genius. Seriously. That thing is extremely addictive. And it makes you feel like you're hugely talented and highly sophisticated by "pinning" all of these amazing pictures onto your boards. Let me tell you folks, I always feel like I'm brilliant when other people pin things from my boards. I'm such a genius, I know. No, stop applauding for my amazing pins. Really, you're making me blush.

One of my all time favorite shows is The Dick Van Dyke Show. It is soooo good. Dick Van Dyke has always been one of my favorite actors and he definitely doesn't disappoint in this show. If you love some slap-stick comedy and good ol' fashion black & white shows, you'll love this. Here are two of my favorite scenes: The Drunken Uncle and Rob Drunk at the Office. For some reason they're both with Rob pretending to be idea why. But Dick Van Dyke does such a good job of switching back and forth between the two personas, it's absolutely hilarious.

Tobias and I have dance sessions at our house. Our latest dance song selection: Alvin and the Chipmunks-Funkytown. It is so much fun to watch Tobias dance. Here is a video of him dancing to a song from the movie Hercules It is quite adorable :-)

Did anyone else's credit card get scammed from the Target security breach? I did...sadface. I was impressed with Target's response to it. They sent out a letter to everyone who did and offered them free credit card monitoring for a year. Oh, Target. No matter what happens I will always shop there. It is just way too pretty to not.

Trey and I talk a lot. Which means we can over-do the "how was your day honey?". So, to keep conversation interesting, we have been going through Gary Chapman's "Love Talks for Couples" (he's the author of "The Five Love Languages"). It's been fun to answer questions that we didn't know about each other. We went to a marriage conference led by Gary Chapman a couple of years ago and it was awesome. He's quite funny and has a great perspective on how to keep your marriage strong through your relationship with God. If you ever have an opportunity to attend one of his conferences, definitely go.

Anybody seen the movie "What's Up Doc" with Barbara Streisand and Ryan O'Neal? Soooooo goooooood. Serious bidness peeps. Here is one of the best scenes from the whole movie. I love to watch it with my Grandpa because it's his favorite movie and he's watched it so many times he starts laughing before things happen :-) Heehee, so great!

I saw this clip the other day of a boy named Elias on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. He's a 7-year-old piano prodigy. Make sure to watch the clip to the end. He does play and it is A-Ma-Zing! Wow. And I love how he constantly hugs Ellen. So cute. It will make you smile :-)

Hope you have a great weekend!