Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Still Kickin'

I am so sorry for the terrible in not posting at all for over 3 months. Sad, I know. So here is an update:

Tobias is now 6 months old. Crazy! The time has flown by fast but at the same time it feels like he's been in our lives forever. He is now 19.5 lbs and 27 inches long. He loves to sit-up, roll over (and over and over) and cackle. He doesn't giggle, he cackles. It's quite hilarious. We have a great video of it, I'll try to upload it once I figure out how. 
Tobias at 2, 3, 4 and 5 months old.
Trey and I are doing great. I am now back to work 3 days a week, about 2 1/2 hours each day. Not too shabby :-) It's great to have an excuse to get out of the house for a couple of hours and it gives Tobias some play time with people other then his mommy (which I'm sure can get boring). One day a week, he goes to a friends house who has a little boy that is 3 1/2 weeks older then Tobias, so they have a great time playing and checking out each other's toes. 

Tobias sitting up with Mimi (Kim).
 I still have a mile long list of projects I would like to get done...and it keeps growing. But our big goal this summer is to completely finish the kitchen. It's been usable for 2 1/2 years, but it's about time the finishing touches got done. We still have to install backsplash, caulk and paint window and door trim, finish installing base molding and shoe and paint the doors to the basement and mud room. So nothing extremely complicated or scary...just can be time consuming! 

Tobias all ready for the morning to get started.
I'll hopefully be better at posting. I would like to have at least one post a week. I think that's attainable. Hope you all have a wonderful week and don't get too wet! 

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